Kodkod Facts
Kodkod Facts
Interesting Kodkod Facts: |
Kodkod can reach 15 to 20 inches in length, 9.8 inches of height at the shoulder and 4.4 to 5.5 pounds of weight. Tail is usually 7.9 to 9.8 inches long. |
Basic color of the kodkod fur is reddish brown or grayish brown. Fur is covered with leopard-like spots that merge into stripes on the neck and shoulders. Underside of the body is light-colored. Tail is covered with dark rings. |
Completely black kodkods (melanistic forms) are common in the wild. |
Kodkods and domestic cats are of the same size. Besides specific color of the fur, kodkod can be recognized by smaller head, larger feet and much thicker tail (compared to domestic cat). |
Kodkod is active both during the day and night. In the remote, wild habitats, kodkod is active during the day. In areas close to the human settlements, kodkod is active during the night (it avoids people). |
Kodkod is arboreal (adapted to the life in the treetops) and terrestrial (adapted to the life on the ground) animal. It is excellent climbers, able to climb the trees that have 3 feet in diameter. Kodkod seeks protection from predators and finds food in the treetops. |
Kodkod is a carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet is based on birds, lizards and rodents. |
Kodkod has excellent eyesight and senses of hearing and smell that are used for finding of food and avoidance of predators. |
Main predators of kodkods are humans and dogs. |
Kodkod hides and sleeps in dense vegetation during the day. |
Kodkod is solitary and territorial animal. Male occupies territory of 0.42 to 0.97 square miles while female lives on a territory of 0.19 to 0.27 square miles. |
Kodkod communicates via sounds, tactile cues, chemical signals and body postures. |
Information about reproductive behavior of kodkods is scarce. Males probably mate with more than one female. |
Pregnancy in females lasts 72 to 78 days and ends with 1 to 4 kittens. Mother takes care of the offspring on her own. Kodkod reaches sexual maturity at the age of 2 years. |
Kodkod can survive up to 11 years in the captivity. |
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